14 Oct, 2024


1 min read

Welcome to Ãyushya Patrika

Ayushya Patrika, established on the auspicious occasion of the 8th Ayurveda Day and Bhagaban Dhanwantari Jayanti (10 Nov 2023), is more than just an organization. It embodies a commitment to the propagation of Ayurvedic wisdom, acting as a beacon for those seeking to delve into the profound knowledge of this ancient healing system.

Operating as a non-profit entity, our core mission is to facilitate the exchange of invaluable knowledge among Vaidyas, ensuring that the legacy of Ayurveda endures through time. This vibrant community of healers comes together to share insights, techniques, and centuries-old practices, creating a nurturing environment for continuous learning and growth.

Beyond the realm of knowledge exchange, Ayushya Patrika holds a visionary ambition. With the blessings of Lord Dhanwantari and Lord Aswini Kumar, we aspire to channel the organization’s earnings towards the creation of a temple dedicated to these revered deities. This endeavor is rooted in a deep reverence for the spiritual dimensions that underpin the practice of Ayurveda.

Our value proposition is not just about disseminating information; it’s about unearthing the hidden treasures within Ayurveda. It’s about contributing to the preservation of an ancient healing tradition that has stood the test of time. It’s about envisioning a future where the principles of Ayurveda are not just studied, but lived.

In this journey, you are invited to be a part of something greater. Together, we can safeguard and celebrate the profound wisdom of Ayurveda, ensuring that it transcends generations. Join us in this endeavor, where exploration, learning, and inspiration await. Experience the richness of Ayurveda with Ayushya Patrika!