The changes in colour, composition of urine analyzed and disease Prameha described in Ayurveda
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The changes in colour, composition of urine analyzed and disease Prameha described in Ayurveda

The changes in colour, composition of urine analyzed and disease Prameha described in Ayurveda

Nidan (causative factos)-

1-Santarpanjanya (metabolic disorder) and life style- 

दिवास्वप्नाव्यायामालस्यप्रसक्तं शीतस्निग्धमधुरमेद्यद्रवान्नपानसेवि

2- Genetic

द्वौ प्रमेहौ भवतः- सहजोऽपथ्यनिमित्तश्च |

तत्र सहजो मातृपितृबीजदोषकृतः, अहिताहारजोऽपथ्यनिमित्तः

It includes type

1st type Sahaj(hereditary) due to genetic 

2nd acquired due to life style as said earlier

Prodromal symptoms– as that time no glucometers are there detection done by prodromal symptoms- excess urination, burning sensation of hand, sole (neuropathy?), excess thirsty, accumulation of ants around urine.

Symptoms – Based on urine content and changes in composition of urine

Treatment – 

  1. Diet-ततः शालिषष्टिकयवगोधूमकोद्रवोद्दालकाननवान् भुञ्जीत चणकाढकीकुलत्थमुद्गविकल्पेन, तिक्तकषाया च शाकगणाभ्यां निकुम्भेङ्गुदीसर्षपातसीतैलसिद्धाभ्यां,incase of constipation.. बद्धमूत्रैर्वा जाङ्गलैर्मांसैरपहृतमेदोभिरनम्लैरघृतैश्चेति |

Rice like Sali, shastika (old) indicated, Yava best, wheat, millets like Kodrava,Udalaka. Dal of mudga,chanaka,Kullatha, In Kapha,pitta condition Tikta, Kasaya Saga like bitter gourd

In case of constipation Jangala Meat(rabbit,deer)  can use processed with ghee, this is impossible now a days

Avoid- सौवीरकतुषोदकशुक्तमैरेयसुरासवतोयपयस्तैलघृतेक्षुविकारदधिपिष्टान्नाम्लयवागूपानकानि ग्राम्यानूपौदकमांसानि चेति… means fish and goat meats

Ayurveda Vaidya can prescribe diet, exercise and medication according to condition of Prameha

#Nisha and amlakai best in Prameha means in Kapha-pitta

#Dhatu kshayaj difficult to manage (vata) patient comes to clinic or hospital at this stage.

भृष्टान् यवान् भक्षयतः प्रयोगाच्छुष्कांश्च सक्तून्न भवन्ति मेहाः|

श्वित्रं च कृच्छ्रं कफजं च कुष्ठं तथैव मुद्गामलकप्रयोगान्

Research article related to use of Yava and Gooseberry use in lifestyle disorders…..

Exercise – व्यायामनियुद्धक्रीडागजतुरगरथपदाति

Dr Gupteswar Mishra

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